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“David and I have trained together for over three years. During that time we worked on my flexibility, hip mobility, and nutrition. I can now run at Memorial Park with no shin splints or sore knees. My stamina and time running are steadily improving. I enjoy the different and varied workouts we perform such as gymnastic ring and body weight exercises. David also focuses on the whole person and we often talk about mental and emotional well being during our sessions.”
Rebecca Ashcraft

“David Zabinski is the best trainer I have ever worked with full stop! As I was a very competitive collegiate athlete in the 70’s, I needed someone special to push me. David was just the trainer/coach I needed. He’s creative and challenging and helps me be the best that I can be on a daily basis.
I can highly recommend David to anyone who not only wants a great conscientious trainer/coach, but someone who over time,
will change your life in a very positive manner both physically and mentally!
Steve Wyatt

“I first started with David back in 2014. I had already begun my weight loss journey, but was in need of assistance. Up until I met him, I had only used Weight Watcher and walk/jogging on a treadmill to lose weight. I knew I needed more, specifically strength training, but did not know where to begin. I signed up at a local gym and took advantage of the discount for a personal trainer. I was introduced to David… 5 years later, 145 total pounds lost, and 4 powerlifting competitions later, I’m still his client.

David introduced me to macro counting, enabling me to utilize flexible dieting. I could eat sweet treats now and again, as long as I stuck to my numbers! Within a week under his nutritional guidance, I found I could eat MORE and still lose weight!! That was when I knew I had found the right person to help me. Through the process of counting macros and now with years of experience, I have been able to maintain a healthy lifestyle with David by my side. It has made a world of difference to realize I don’t have to be so strict with myself in order to reach my goals. Dieting is not a temporary thing. Healthy eating is indeed a lifestyle and one that David has helped me to maintain. Having someone to answer to and help with any bumps in the road along the way is a huge asset.

David also introduced me to powerlifting via the emphasis he placed on it during our initial strength training sessions. After 2 years of strength training under his guidance, I took it upon myself to get competitive with powerlifting. Although David had never coached a powerlifter previously, he became my coach, not only creating my programming, but also taking it upon himself to get certified! That’s some real dedication to a client! I have now competed in 4 competitions, placed in 3 with a silver, gold, and bronze medal respectively. None of this would have ever come to fruition had it not been for David.

After all these years, we have not slowed down. David continues to learn and educate himself on the latest in fitness, nutrition, and holistic health. The fitness industry can be a confusing and overwhelming entity… often creating a frustrating environment which is difficult to navigate. David paves the road…all you have to do is walk it. Take it from me, David is an invaluable instructor and guide. Try one session, one week, one month, one year with him. You won’t be disappointed.”
Melissa Guitron